Monday, August 20, 2007

iBucket down! I repeat, iBucket down!

So I was enjoying a lovely day of disc golf at Bellamy Park in Dover, NH, which by most accounts is quite a ways to drive for disc. Everything was going swimmingly except for the occasional wind-up-with-clenched-teeth-and-white-knuckles-and-hurl-it-at-a-tree-10-yards-away shot. When my slightly accident-prone cousin gave my iBucket which he had been carrying for the last half a hole back to me, I realized the bottom screw of one of the speaker brackets had come out, causing one of the speakers to swing back and forth and thus cause the speaker wire to rip right out. After I looked left, right, and then left again for a disc golf course iBucket pit crew to provide me with a musical absolution and came up empty, I realized that the next few holes would suck just a little. So I'm going to do my best to alleviate my own situation, but barring success in that, I might be forced to call upon my friend 40 oz. to come to the rescue. Can anyone say RAMHADAB?!

1 comment:

Crayons taste like purple said...

Sounds fixable to me. I probably have the technology for it to be taken care of at Casa de CTLP on Fri. night? We may have multiple iBuckets to get us through the day, as long as 40 has the time to get the assembly line worker moving...