Monday, June 21, 2010

Seven Generations

So I was thinking today (as I walked through the grocery store which was built where FiddleSticks used to be, which was where a farm used to be...before the highway was built right through it) about that 'green' company Seven Generations.

You know the company...the one that sells fancy biodegradeable toilet paper, 'green' disposable diapers(LOL!), expensive cleaners and such... A clever marketing ploy taken from the story that there are supposedly native tribes in North America who maintain a pledge to preserve the world for the next Seven Generations.

I can not stop thinking about the massive clusterf*ck in the Gulf of Mexico spilling so much oil per day that no one seems to care to debate it any more, or even cover it in the news?

If our society were to make such a pledge right now it would be the opposite:

"We pledge to absolutely destroy, ruin, and poison the earth for the next Seven Generations."

So f*cking sad. Too bad it is true.

(Of course the hypocrisy is not wasted on me....I'm not helping driving my oil-powered car to the giant grocery store with the ridiculously huge oil-paved parking lot where the farm used to be to buy oil-grown food to bring back to my oil-heated home.)

Anyone want to propose an alternative?

Extra points if you don't mention a Prius.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

March, April, and May

Hey there!
It's been a long time with no posts. Crazy spring with all the folks around procreating, raising babies, digging gardens, planting stuff, planning FARTAB, FARTAB itself, working, and whatnot.

Instead of trying to catch you up, I'll just post a few pix.

Starting garden seeds inside the first week of March

Transplanting a Rhododendron in the yard. It was half dead when we got here and I brought it back to life by keeping the deer from eating it every winter. Then this spring I decided it needed to move so I transplanted it.

Little Miss Forty relaxing in the fresh air out in her swing. She loves the swing!

Little Miss Forty driving around out on the deck in the 'jeep'/walker

Oh, you may have heard that we had a flood at the end of March. Here's the woods under 4 feet of water. That is FlatTires out there.


Time to dig new gardens. We have alot of rock. Alot.
Little Miss Forty discovered going barefoot. She just sits there sometimes and shuffles her feet in the grass.

And that leaves are crunchy.

Around mid April we had WAJAHADAB. Work Around J's Awesome House - ADAB. Here FlatTires demonstrates the proper backhoe technique... that is why they put cupholders in them.

Purgatory Black Magic dirt/compost that was painstakingly raked smooth and seeded with Horse Pasture Mix. What else to use in the Beermuda Triangle?
Big River cleanup. Lots of tires in them-there woods!

Someone else had the same idea as Sleepy G for a table decoration. Except I don't think Sleepy had a Buzzcocks album cover on his. Or are these tape covers? Found at "The Sisters".

BaldBoyWonder trying out the go cart rollframe aka my greenhouse for seedlings.
Snoopy resting the winter garden by the coldframes.

Digging new gardens at Casa de Crayons. Good times!

Little Miss Forty is showing off on Little Greased Up Deaf Guy's ATV. She's a hot sh*t!
FARTAB Vol 7 was a success. Here is BaldBoy at the take-out in Westerly. I only got one other pix the entire trip, and that is at the very beginning of BaldBoy's 'costume'. And it is inappropriate for such a family friendly blog.

Rumor has it that the Umbrella Factory in Charlestown is up for sale. That would be a shame if it got developed... it has the claim to fame for being the oldest farm in continuous operation in North America..since the 1700s. Most of the animals are gone and the shops are looking a little empty. This is still there, and here are Mrs and Little Miss Forty checking it out. Last week the strawberries got ripe! They are Everywhere!!! Hope all is well!