Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Penguin Dive Exclusive

You saw it here first.......an exclusive backstage pass to the Northwestern Connecticut Special Olympics Penguin Dive. Seen here, Crayons Taste Like Purple and Crayon's Brother are caught preparing for the icy plunge. For those of you less familiar with our "Penguin Plunging All-Stars", Crayons is seen on the left and Crayon's Brother is on the right. Not to be confused. Asked to comment on their formal attire for the event, the Crayons Posse declared,

"It only comes but once a year - it's for a good cause, and the Special Olympics are near and dear to our family. We wanted to show the people that supported us how much we appreciate their contributions and loving support."

Reporting from Western Whoseyerdicken, Special Reporter Greased Up Deaf Guy with your Backstage Pass. Stay tuned next week for an exclusive update on the mating and migration habits of the eastern yellow-backed llama.


Crayons taste like purple said...

Crayon Crewz Reply:

"no comment"

Bald Boy Wonder said...

This might top the Speedo outfits for the Fartab costumes.