Thursday, February 02, 2006

Keller Williams @ Lupos

Man... crazy night. Greased Up Deaf Guy, Mrs FortyOz, and I just got back from Keller Williams at the "new" Lupos in Providence. Last time I saw him was at a half full old Lupos... and then it was just him, his guitar and his camper parked outside the club.

Times change I guess. A few years later the old Lupos is gone, converted to million dollar loft condos or something. The new Lupos shares space with the old Strand (Club Diesel now). The place was packed. We got there early enough to get a good spot. Well, that is except that we were right behind Stinky Pants Hippie Guy and his counterpart, Giant Purse Drunk Girl. Wow... those two were amazing to watch... I swore the next time one of them made me spill a single drop of beer I was going to start swinging. Mrs Forty must have felt the same way.. I saw her punching Stinky Pants in the back when he shimmied too close... Atta girl.

Anyhow.. Keller and company were freakin amazing. First set was with the Keels (husband and wife bluegrass/mountain music from Virginia). Crowd favorite had to be the cover of Green Day's Long View..... yup.

2nd set... Just Keller. You've got to see this guy.. I thought he was incredible with the guitar last time we saw him.. this time he played the thing like it was an implant..... then loops in a bassline, drumkit, keys, back to guitar, ... then for a while there he was playing a couple wiffle ball bats. Go see him... until then go check out some of his live shows at

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