Saturday, May 13, 2006


FARTAB Vol 3: Floating Along the River Tipping Alotta
Beers. This is the 3rd annual summer kickoff event of
bikes, boating, and beer.

The date has been set for Thursday night June 15th,
Friday June 16th and Saturday June 17th.

We start on Thursday night with a mountain bike ride
in Big River, followed by a healthy dinner of wings
and beer at Hooters in Warwick. (We find this
adequately sets the flavor and tone for the manass
for the weekend). After that, we load up the coolers
with Black Label, PBR, and I'm sure this year:
Narragansett Pounders.

After a special breakfast Friday morning (L&E), we head to the River for
floating/paddling/and many...many.......many ......
beverages. The last two years we put-in off 165 in
Arcadia and paddled to the campsite in Burlingame.
This is approximately a 4-5-or-8 hour paddle and 5 or
6(feels like 600) portages. We stashed our camping
gear at the last portage which worked well for not
having to carry very much stuff at every portage. We
don't pack light.

Improvements for this year:

Last year we got a pretty late start on the river and
had to take a long break in Hope Valley to hitchhike
to the package store to restock the coolers. At the
end of the paddle things got ugly....we ended up
setting up camp in the dark.. no fun.

This year we are considering cutting down on the
paddling...changing the put-in from way up in Exeter
on the Wood River to further south, or changing the
route from the Wood River to the Pawcatuck River (put
in down in Charlestown/South Kingstown) and
reorganizing the boat setups. We could also consider
*gulp* skipping the special breakfast friday morning instead.

Saturday we had been done by noon at the Bradford
river landing in Charlestown. This year some of us
are considering continuing down the Pawcatuck to

We will be checking out possible river routes over the
next couple weekends and over memorial day weekend if
anyone wants to go... also pictures from the last two
years will be posted to the blog as soon as i get off
my lazy @ss and scan them in. Keep checking
back here for pictures and updates.

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