Thursday, January 19, 2006

Winter's Back and Long Trail Ale

I went for a ride on Monday in the cold. I had the day off for MLK and needed to get outside. Even though it was wicked cold(10F with 20mph winds... windchill -10F) I decided to go for a ride down to the river.

I put my 7spd wheel back on my bike.. my knees have been hurting for a while on the singlespeed. Wow... I forgot what it was like to ride a bike with gears... pretty nice and easy... until that stupid derailer started skipping and making a racket. Turned up the ipod and kept riding. I need to get back in shape to go back to the silence of singlespeeding this spring.

You know cold biking is not too bad once you get going.... as long as you dress for it. Long johns, snowboarding socks, windbreaker, all that good stuff. I'm sure I look like an alien clown when I'm riding but whatever... I was out there and it was a pretty sweet trip. Check out the pictures.
The trails are frozen now... made them pretty fast.

I had a some Long Trail Hibernator when I got home. Yummy Long Trail. Long Trail Ale was the "official beer" of RAMHADAB this year... we ordered a keg of it for the weekend. On Friday night we were heading back to the ranch from the beer store... the sun hit the keg on the way down Mt Tom in Arcadia the keg shone in the back of EP's truck like it was made of pure gold. Ah Beer. We love beer.

Oh Yeah! I heard today that Long Trail is the next beer at the Up River Cafe Beer Dinner. Those of you not in the know, the Up River Cafe is a pretty decent restaurant in Westerly RI, right on the Pawcatuck River. Once a month they hold a Beer Dinner, a 4-5 course meal with appropriate beers. Past favorites were Brooklyn Brewery and Sammy Smith Night. Of course... those of us here at Pandapas made reservations MONTHS in advance for the Sammy Smith Night. The dinners are a bit spendy, but Up River acts like we wish all businesses would... they serve locally grown produce, fish, fresh dairy and damn fine beers.
Hope to see you there!

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