Thursday, January 12, 2006

Summer in January

I live in southern New England. That means most days in January have a high temp of 10-30F and a perpetual foot of dirty snow on the ground. The last few weeks have been in the 30-40s, and the last couple days were a full 55F.... enough to melt what snow was left and dry out the trails a little bit. Sh*t.. that's almost beach weather around here.
I went outside at lunch and sniffed that clean fresh 50 degree air.... I knew I couldn't stand being in cubeville any more. I finished up what I was working on and was able to escape a full hour early.
When I got home I took a short ride down to the river... most nights after work in January I wouldn't brave the icy-cold-pitch-blackness for anything though tonight was actually pleasant, and it was light enough out to not need the headlight until I was riding home. Man.. only three more months of winter... I can't wait for spring.

1 comment:

Bald Boy Wonder said...

You never get a foot of snow in the lowlands of RI. Up here in the mountians of CT we get 30" of snow to your 2". We'll be posting pics of sledding in the backyard on Monday....hopefully. Go Pats!!!