Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Sledding Post...

We don't have any snow left in the BeerMuda Triangle. I don't mind... gives me time to work around the yard. But... now that the CTLPs found a bad@ss place to go sledding.. I want to go!

I need a cool sled tho.. so I did some web searching for the State of the Art in sleds:

Check out the video about these sleds. We need to find someone who has one to try out.

Of course, even fancier is the hammerhead sled

Some mountains even have hammerhead racing series!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A post....just a little late

OK, I just re-read this post and it sucks...not very creative, kinda boring, but's my life, so leave me alone.

For New Years, GardenGirl and I and a couple went to a B&B in Bennington VT. It was a working farm. Nice place. In the middle of nowhere and it was even better with all the snow. They got 12" of snow the night before we got there, on top of the 18" of snow already on the ground. Then New Year's Day, they got another 6" of snow. You can see some of the things working on the farm here. They had some very vocal cows who like it when we talked to them. We had a two room suite above the carriage house (aka garage). It was nice cause we stayed up late. We cooked dinner in the driveway with some charcoal and a dutch oven. Not having to go out on New Year's Eve rocks. We started drinking early, right when we got home from our'll see pics below.
We went snowshoeing following a winter trails book that I had. It said it was an easy trail. The easy trail was only 5 miles long, which is fine during the summer, but when you are hauling extra heavy shoes around that carry snow with it, it makes it much longer. Plus the trail was pretty steep the whole way. We climb a small mountain, Mt. Olga. There's no way I would have called this trail easy. I'm not complaining, I enjoyed it, I'm just saying.
Here's me reading the book to make sure I knew where I was and I realized that there was a nudie picture stuck into the book.
And finally GardenGirl taking off, trying to get away. I kept threatening to push her over because I knew with the deep powder and her snowshoes, she would have a hard time getting up.
Anyways, it was my first time snowshoeing in really deep snow. It was great. I love winter. I wish we had more of it around here.
New Year's Day, after having baked apples and french toast at the main house of the B&B, we went snowshoeing again while the 6" of snow fell. We just went across the street from where we stayed on the trial system there. Not to anywhere in particular, more just to get out.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Beermuda Triangle Work Exchange Program

Another busy week and weekend around the BeerMuda triangle. CTLP found a potential solution to the snowplow digging up our gravel driveways... cover the cutting edge with a piece of pipe. After some research on, we confirmed this is the hot setup for our problem. So.. We packed up some pipe (snicker), and headed over to the FlatTires world famous workshop. You might recall this is where the plow got stuck on my truck in the firstplace.

FlatTires and I figured the easiest way to attach to the plow is to weld it on. The westsider CTLP disagreed and bolted his on. Eh.. his Big Red Truck and plow is waaayy fancier than mine, and I figure i can alway take the pipe off in a couple mintues with a die-grinder and a cutoff wheel. FlatTires rocked... had both plows all fixed up in no time.

Last weekend we split about 3-4 cords w a splitter over the 40s house. FlatTires had wood too (*more snickering*) that he needed split, so we hit it with a maul, wedge, etc.

Here is a particularly stubborn piece... CTLP got the maul stuck, then the wedge, and when FlatTires tried to liberate them with the chainsaw,, that got stuck too! F-U Mr Oak!!!

Overall, I figure we split/stacked 2-3 cords or so. Check it out:

This morning I could barely lift my arms. Wood is heavy. (giggle.)

keep warm... see you soon!


Monday, January 07, 2008

Dirty Little Secrets...

As much as I hate to post right after the CTLP's excellent posts... I have to admit I'm hooked. These 30 second-5 minutes blurbs are perfect for watching while eating dinner, or while waiting for the Mister/Missus/Youngin getting ready to go out.

Web TV. Alright... I've found only a couple of these so far worth watching. All are homemade, self produced, micro-funded, full of YouTube-ry that you'll either puke or want to at least give them 5 seconds to check out the next video.

The 'Burg is pretty old(its oh so 2006), but still somewhat entertaining in small doses of Williamsburg hipster culture. . I couldn't get through the last couple episodes but.. eh... make sure you at least watch the My Humps and Beer shorts.

The Bicyclist Boy moves to Portland, rides a bike to impress the girl, and (spoiler alert) gets the girl. Watch out for the Demon SUV... Ha! So Funny!. blech.

Now, Go read CTLPs post. Cya. -40

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sledding- the redux

I knew it was just up the street, but never stopped to check it out. Until today. 40 has posted a few on sledding, and I have always enjoyed it in the past- but considering 'hills' are hard to come by around here, I have to admit I was somewhat happily surprised by the fun that I had sledding (and building) at 40's house a few weeks back.

So- I did my homework and checked it out. Behold, the new hottness:

From a third of the way looking down

The last third

Yep. That is right. The abandoned ski place. Some of the trails are still quite clear. Granted, there is not a lift anymore, but does that matter? Increased exercise and it will make us appreciate the downhill adventure all the more. I was so excited that I am going to go out and buy myself a snowboard (because hiking in ski boots blows) so that I can enjoy this wonderment.

The state bought the property back in the early 80's, and most of it is run down or overgrown:

Again, does that matter? It still has a mighty 300' of elevation drop- which seems silly, I know- but it is more of a drop than the only operational ski place in the state...

It seems like the only people taking advantage of the property are the ATV's- lots of trails at the top of the hill. I followed one of them a ways to the East and it would be a fantastic sledding trail. Narrow. Banked (eroded) edges. Downhill. Who knows where it goes, but there is one good way to find out!

I am going to have to do a little investigating into the reasoning and rationale as apparently two of the main trails were recently clearcut:

Midway looking up

Near the summit looking down

It would be interesting to know why this was done in this fashion. Since they left so much burnable hard wood lying on the ground. What a waste. I can think of a couple of hungry Garns that could have used that fuel... On the positive side, the bundles of branches do form sweet jumps! This one is a six footer, covered in snow it would be a monster...

All in all, it was a good little walk. And one can see the potential for a winter weekend fun-time activity which could be enjoyed by males and females alike? Bask in the family enjoyment and behold the possibilities with snow, sleds, canines, snowboards and frosty barley pops!

Crayons and Mrs. Taste Like Crayons (and Canine Crayons) OUT.

Late gift...


I was going to post this as a 'Happy Holidays' to all- but figured that it would be better served during the post-holiday winter doldrum period. So, without futher ado- I give you

Roam around a little, I swear it will make you chuckle... My favorites are the comments.

While I like Velvet, I have to say,
Cro'Bagnon is one of my favorites. Best comment: 'His picture ate my soul'. Money!