Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Sledding Post...

We don't have any snow left in the BeerMuda Triangle. I don't mind... gives me time to work around the yard. But... now that the CTLPs found a bad@ss place to go sledding.. I want to go!

I need a cool sled tho.. so I did some web searching for the State of the Art in sleds:

Check out the video about these sleds. We need to find someone who has one to try out.

Of course, even fancier is the hammerhead sled

Some mountains even have hammerhead racing series!


1 comment:

Bald Boy Wonder said...

I've seen the Hammerhead at EMS before. It's pretty sweet, but expensive.
The Mad River Rocket, I saw there the last time I was there. Pretty neat. It has a strap like a knee board. I just wonder how it is on your knees.