Friday, September 07, 2007

Leaving for RAMHADAB Vol 4: The Double Deuce

I'm packed, and am going to leave in about ten/twenty minutes when Mrs 40 gets home from work.

I'm going to attempt the great Cross-Beermuda-Triangle bike ride tonight to get to CTLPs house. Wish me luck.

Yes, Those are hose clamps.

1 comment:

Crayons taste like purple said...

I know that I have said it directly to 40- but this was pretty sweet. Damn scary to ride down 02 with this in tow. But I am totally intrigued by the amount of effort that it would take to go back and forth on 65 with this. I know how much it takes on a 16lb road bike (with no assist)- so I am having a hard time thinking of what it would be with a 100lb bike (with mechanical assist)... The effort certainly matched the weekend!