Monday, October 16, 2006

Random Bits of Junk

Hey hey.
Man.. what a nice weekend. Cold at night and crispy during the day. You know.. the kind of weekend up here that gets you freaked that it's going to be *cold* soon.

This time of year it seems that every idiot with a gun was out in the woods making me think I was in Platoon or something. That's right... Hunting Season.

Two tips... 1) cover your ass with Day-Glo Orange and 2) pray that that a-hole in the tree stand isn't *that* drunk at 9am. I'm serious.. I was out in Big River this weekend and couldn't wait to get the hell outta the woods. Man. Spooky.

Not related....I found this and was LMAO: People Who Suck

I don't miss the GhettoTrack bikepath at all.

1 comment:

Bald Boy Wonder said...

That rant on Craiglist is great. I totally have the same problems. There's one he forgot though. The parent with the little kid on the bike. The parent and kid are both keeping to the right side of the trail , no problems. But as I pass the parent, they say to the dumbass kid, "Stay to the right." Which then causes the kid to turn around to see what's going on and he swerves right in front of me. I could go on and on about various people, but it's not worth it...