Friday, September 22, 2006

RAMHADAB Vol 3! (....part 2)

The trip had its ups and downs... here is a short and loose uphill that we all had to walk on the Sand Hill Trail. Go figure why they call it that:

The group made it to the first planned rest stop everyone and all the equipment intact. Of course we had to pose once again for a picture:

Before long we made it to the midway rest stop where Mrs CTLP brought us food, h20, and of course, beer. Nothing to keep you going on a long grueling ride like this than some beer.

Of course, it wouldn't have been a rest stop without at least one suggestive pose. Here is GUDG with his now traditional pose:

After rolling through the easy parts of Carolina we found this old beat up car on the side of the trail. Us being who we are, of course we figured it was a good photo op. This picture was taken 7 seconds before we heard a shotgun being racked by the owner about to pursuade us to get back on the trail:

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