Monday, March 24, 2008

Random Bits

Late update (and I just downloaded a bunch of pix) We were able to have snoop-a-loop to sit still long enough on st pats day for a picture with his Green Hat. Woof.

I hope you all had a good Vernal Equinox weekend., and Happy Easter to those who celebrate the holiday. In all, it was a fine weekend to get outside, enjoy the sun and fresh air, cleanup the yard, go mtbiking with some dogs, and see family. The CTLPs dropped Maggie off for sleepover weekend with Snoop-A-Loop, and Mrs 40's family came over Saturday night for a belated house warming party. First time some of them had been out here. Sunday my family came over, including an appearence from Kaptain and Mrs Krunch (40's Sister). Kaptain is considering finally joining us for a FARTAB, schedule dependant.

While hanging around on the porch, he had the brilliant idea of moving the bow target down to the far end of the yard and shoot off the deck. Have I said recently how much I love living in the BeerMuda triangle? No way could you get away with this sh*t in any McMansion Land up north.

Check it out, after a few practice shots tonight i got one in the bullseye, with enough @ss to put the arrow almost clear though. From the deck I thought I missed and lost another arrow. The red 'V' in the middle of the yellow is the 'nock'(is that the right term?) of the arrow.

Anyhow, this is the view of the target from the deck, around 35 yards. Yeeeeee Haww!

Speaking of shooting stuff, while typing this a fishercat just went by in the woods. It screamed bloody murder a couple times. I tried getting a video of it, but when I went out it moved out to the woods.

If you've never heard a Fisher, it sounds like a pissed off banshee being f*cked by a demon on fire... It makes the hair stand straight up on the back of your neck and grown men say "WHAT THE F WAS THAT?!?!?!"

Just the sound alone makes you wish you had something more ballsy than a tennis ball slingshot sitting on the counter to scare it away. (Which works pretty well btw)

That means we need to use a leash on snoopy at night until one of the neighbors gets rid of it... yes, the neighbors say a fisher will 'take down a dog'... I don't believe it, but they swear its true and shoot fishers on sight. Yay 2nd Amendment!

1 comment:

Sleepy Gonzalez said...

Not a fan of guns at all, but bring on bows and arrows!! Let's bring the sport back into it.