I was bummed to miss the ski/snowboard trip. Sounds like it was a great time and even though I would have hated the imbibing and wintertime activities part- I guess I would have had the company and car ride to pick me up! Instead of all the fun time coldness, Mrs. CTLP and I had to settle for sitting on the beach and scuba diving in Grand Cayman. Really cold there- the water temperature actually dipped BELOW 80 degrees one day! Can you believe it???

Horrible view from the patio

In the caves

Open water ahead

This tarpon is probably a good 40"+

Happy to not have been on this boat

Come on, kids- we're going through the castle again!

No life on the wall at all...
Nice! How about posting some pix of KPBADAB(Kayak Parris Brook And Drink alotta Beverages)?
Wow. Are you just at home hitting the 'refresh' button waiting for the kayak post to come online?
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