The high point was snowboarding on fresh powder for the first time. Like.. alot of the stuff. OMFG.. It was fantastic. I highly recommend it. That, and staying slopeside, Faaaaantastic.
Sleepy introduced me to Gin n Juice, not the song, the beverage. It worked pretty well to ease the tired and sore muscles after a long day on the slopes while waiting for kickass lasagna, guacamole, etc.
Both before and after dinner we headed down to the hot tub. I love outdoor hot tubs, even though I couldn't shake the idea of all those btus being wasted keeping all that water steamy hot when it was about 20F outside and windy. The full ibucket and hot tub company helped me forget however.
We fell asleep pretty early, we were all pooped from riding all day.
The fire alarm went off at head was pounding from the noise and Gin n Juice while we all stumbled down stairs to wait for the firetrucks. Wow... it was just like college. Stupid college kids burnt some popcorn and got everyone up in the middle of the night.
Sunday would have been a rough day snowboarding, I was pretty sore from the day before. But, the lifts were closed because of the wind. Sucked. I was goign to try skiing with BBW.
Spring is right around the corner. We have temps in the 50s back in the BeerMuda triangle, this weekend is the start of daylight savings time. Whooo Hooo! Fartab will be here in no time!
Random pix:
View from our window

BBW and FlatTires (Yet to Be Monikered...) sister

I never want to see that light switch again. Ever. In a... world...
If those pix were all property of SSRADAB, where was I for that lightswitch?
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