Saturday, March 22, 2008

More toilet talk

After reading GUDGs excellent response to the BucketGirl post, I was curious about how all these composting toilets were supposed to help the environment.

Considering that the state DEM etc keeps strict control over the disposal of poo in the ground, surely someone, either the entire ISDS 'industry', or BucketGirl and her Hippy friends, were on the wrong track. I Googled.

I found this book: The Humanure Handbook

This is the same book BucketGirl was selling in the toilet booth at the NESEA booth, here it is FREE online! I'm going to check it out and let you know if I find any gems in here. I'd like someone who knows what they're talking about to check it out too... GUDG or Kaptain Krunch... I'm looking in your direction.

In other news, save these dates:

April 8th, 7pm- Bob Chew, founder of SolarWrights, will be giving resentation on Solar and Wind for Homeowners at the Audubon Society of RI. $5/Members, $8/Non-members.

April 21 (I think?) Beermuda Triangle Financial Town Meeting. Come vote down stupid spending. Like borrowing millions to pave all the roads in the neighborhood.

May 30-31: FARTAB: Volume 5. Check out the last few years worth of pix:

Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4 Post 1
Volume 4 Post 2

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