Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I'm Back!

Thanks CTLP for posting the FARTAB Vol 5 pics and recap!!!
Ouch.. My head hurts just *thinking* about my Cinquo de FARTABO performance... I swear I knocked something loose in my brain on that trip. Just not right. After the trip Baldboy Wonder emailed the results of his cooler autopsy.. between Kaptain Krunch, BBW and I we somehow consumed 1.5 bottles of Gin, and only 1/2 bottle of Juice. Could explain the early sleepy act...when we got to the campsite. Just a thought.

As the title of the post, I just got back from being away from the southernmost point of the Beermuda triangle. I spent a few days travelling for work, then took off on vacation with Mrs 40 up to Montreal, then up to Vermont for a kayak and camping trip with BaldBoy. I still have to download my pictures from those adventures and will post a recap when I get time.

In the meantime, Check out the video of this f*cking moron....You have GOT to be kidding me??? How did this chump get elected???

I'm beginning to agree with J Howard Kunstler, that GW b*sh and republicans will be going out of business if we make it out of the energy/food/global warming/housing crash/economy crash/insert ongoing disaster here.
On a lighter note: stay tuned for vacation and maybe more fartab pix!

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