Good Evening Pandapas Friends. With some encouragement from 40 Oz, I am making my first post. What more appropriate a topic than one on alternative energy.... a topic germane to this blog I understand. 2 nights ago on ABC channel 6 there was a story about neighbors in North Smithfield embroiled in a conflict over wood boilers. One asserts his right to heat his house with wood (albeit with a terribly inefficient, polluting Central Boiler brand unit) and another who simply believes he is entitled to breath air free from smoke & combustion products. I decided to write channel 6 a letter using the "viewer feedback" section of their website, posted below. My point was to make them aware of the fact that it is possible for these 2 entitlements to peacefully coexist. Unfortunately wood burning often gets a bad rap because of irresponsible equipment manufacturers. The truth is that when used properly, it is an excellent renewable, and carbon neutral source of energy. A cord of good firewood can have over 30 million BTU's of stored energy, the equivalent of about 215 gallons of heating oil. With a few friends, a few beers, and some tunes on the Ibox, it is very realistic to gather 2 cords in a day. That is making a difference. Plus it's good exercise and good fun. Ok this is probably long enough. Here's the letter I sent.
Hello ABC News 6,
I am writing regarding the story yesterday about outdoor wood boilers causing pollution in North Smithfield. This is a growing problem throughout Northern regions of the country and Canada. Many municipalities have banned or restricted such wood burning boilers as a result. However, it is important not to categorize all such devices as inefficient pollution machines. If done responsibly, wood heating is better for the environment than the far more prevalent oil heating since it is a carbon-neutral process. The problem is that the EPA has thus far not regulated emissions from outdoor wood boilers, and this has led manufacturers to market cheap designs with horrible efficiency and emissions. At least 2 manufactures (of more than 20) have taken a more environmentally responsible approach and are selling wood boilers today that already exceed anticipated EPA legislation that is 2 years out. I own and operate one of these boilers at my residence. It produces perfectly clear exhaust and is nearly twice as efficient as many of the other manufacturers, such as the unit featured in N Smithfield. I would be happy to host a visit / demonstration if you wish to tell your viewers the other side of this local alternative energy story.
******** (flattires)
Hey FlatTires...Excellent Post! I've been thinking about putting up some renewable energy posts for a while now... glad you kicked it off.
I've seen the boiler in action... its a freaking amazing piece of equipment....its a brilliantly simple and effective design. Too bad some there are people out there that are eager to dismiss an entire technology based on poor implementation of some manufacturers....I'd love to see people stop driving cars just because they heard once that Yugos suck.
Yep- nice post, Flat Tires. The idea of putting in a Garn at Rancho de Crayons is by far not a dead one. Energy independence is not just for militia members expecting the Marshalls to take them away.
Companies that produce efficient renewables should be subsidized (until competition and mass production makes them affordable on their own) so that most people are able to purchase and benefit from them. Then the environment can try and recover from our current non-sustaining energy consumption.
Speaking of- I am starting to hammer my state/national Representitives-
For the three of us in the Beermuda Triangle it is:
State Senator: Kevin Breene (R) who is the Minority Whip and sits on the Enviroment and Agriculture committee: 222-2708
State Rep: Joe Scott, Esq (R) who is on the finance committee:, 782-1200
1) Jack Reed (D):
2) Sheldon Whitehouse (D):
House of Reps:
James Langevin (D):
Donald Carcieri (R):
Make sure you write/call each of them- the current tax rebates for wind/solar have expired. Those made it possible to realize a payback on a PV system, if efficient wood fired boilers could be included in the next round (if there is a next round) how great would that be? I'd be psyched to put in a wood fired boiler and a solar system and get myself off the grid. The only way our government will do anything is if they know their constituates are interested in it, and I think they already have me in the 'crackpot' file from me communicating my opinion on every piece of legislation, so other voices might help...
If anyone needs any more motivation to get off the grid, I plotted in excel a 6 year history of my electrical bills including the rate and total kwh usage. The rate is on a steady increase, bouncing around some with energy market fluctuations, but in winter of '02 we were paying 10.6 cents / kwh, whereas in mid '06 we hit 16 cents / kwh. We've since backed off to about 15, probably related to the warm winter. Some of the most expensive electricity in the country in any case. After I get this house building project out of the way, I'll be looking hard at a PV system.
How many BTU's does a cord of James Inhofe have? Maybe that would work.
Wow... All this talk about Wood and not a single p*nis joke? What's wrong with you people?
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