Vote for anything, whatever you want.
I'm going to ride my bike to the polling place before work. In a sense, voting twice.
This past weekend Bald Boy Wonder headed to the RI Alps to help dig firewood out of the woods around my house. Our very generous neighbors let us drag dead wood off their we do. CTLP headed over to help out. Thanks!
After that we built a HUGE firepit in the backyard. Check it out:

Tomorrow night is the local mountain bike club meeting at Famous Pizza in West Warwick at 7:30. We'll be riding before the meeting. Cya there.
40, I think you forgot to upload the pictures. The firepit is amazing. It's amazing that we made it while we were inebriated and didn't hurt ourselves. And the firepit is actually kind of round and everything. A bit oversized but that's what happens when you have beer googles on.
There was another drunken plan to pull a "small" out of the yard. It was only sticking out a little bit. But as we dug and lifted, it just wasn't moving. So we kept digging and lifting to no avail. Then as many drunken plans turn out, we got tired and sat around the fire finishing our beers. It seemed lie a good idea at the time, but we got distracted by beer and fire. The next day all we had was a big hole with a really big rock in it.
Sorry about that... I forgot the picture. I just uploaded it.. Should be up there now.
You need someone or something in the picture for perspective. It almost looks like a little fire ring from this picture. I saw it in person last night, and the back rock comes up to my neck- I mean- this thing is gigantic! Those are 10 foot logs sticking out of there half burnt...
I tell you- I am seriously thinking that burying that half275 gallon tank is a good idea to replace my bitty half55 gallon tank firepit in my back yard.
I stayed up way too late last night viewing election results before falling asleep and waking up later only to realize that we will have to wait for a month to confirm that 'macaca' Allen and 'you firefighters suck' Burns get tossed in the reject pile along with 'man on dog' Santorum and such illuminaries as the crooked 'crazy' Wheldon, 'shorty' DeWine and 'cheat at all costs' Blackwell. Biggest win for the environment of the day: Richard Pombo rejected in CA 11. This was a huge win for the planet- that guy is only in his position to line his pockets at the earth's expense. Now he can go and get a job paying millions of dollars to lobby on behalf of the most polluting corporations on earth. I am just happy that he his job title will finally reflect his views and efforts.
You said log sticking....hee hee.
Before the warming party, we can load it in my "car" and bring the drum over. If 40 doesn't have any last minute projects, I'll even help you dig the hole (if you want to sink it). There's nothing like drinking heavily after working.
For my dear Crayons:
Today (11/8) was a day of wise ass smirks at work when people WERE looking and small but powerful fist pumps of vindication when they weren't. Seriously, I hope nobody gets me anything for my birthday, b/c the American people have given me a gift I've been waiting for since the turn of the century....did I mention I was serious?
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