So this weekend while wandering around the woods with the little pup Snoopy (on Federal land, dogs allowed) we ran into a couple of folks that I am declaring O.R.As (My new MLA...Multi Letter Acronym).
I swear something happened in the last, say, ten to fifteen years around Charlestown. It's as if all the old mellow local hippies that built and lived in their tiny woodland shacks either sold out (unlikely) or died (more likely). And were replaced with some Old Rich Assholes from Connect-icut, Massa-chew-setts, New York, and *GULP* New Jersey. Now, if you like the atmosphere of the area, will fit in, and won't tear down the house you're buying, Sure.. head on down. Crack open a beer, light a campfire, and relax. BUT.
If you are moving or (even worse) buying your Second or even Third vacation 'property', which you intend to tear down, replace with some f'ing plastic and particle board, gold plated, piece of shit, that you light up every freakin night like its the Taj Mahal then go to Cape Cod.
If you don't like people mountain biking on the trails that they have been riding on for the last 20+ years, don't go pseudo running on them in your $300 "trail running" shoes. Stay in Joisy.
If you don't like cute-as-hell puppies lopiing up to you to say hi on trails that are completely open to Dogs (he was on a leash!), drive your gawd-dam $100k mercedes over to some other park to walk your fat rich @ss at instead of this one.
But, I guess now that just about every local has died and their greedy prick kids sold their shack to some other ORAs, you think its cool to be a d*ck and buy one yourself.
It's never cool to be a d*ck, I don't care how rich you are. Please just pack up, get your pasty @ss back to florida at the first sign of frost. Then we can get our state back.
In other non-related MLAs, RAMHADAB (Ride around CTLP's house and Drink Allota B**rs) is THIS WEEKEND. Just three more work days, then it's on.
Oh Yes. We'll be riding more or less down the North South trail down to the previously mentioned mecca of ORAs, for some swimming and then back up to CTLPs for drinking, burning, go-carting, disc-golfing and camping. Check in the archives for previous year's adventures. Search the dates around the first/second week of September. Yeaaaaaah..
See you in a few days! -40.