But over the summer I'm pretty focused on mtbiking, kayaking, and messing around at the lake as much as possible. Its this time of year, when things slow down and the weather gets a little cooler that I finally start to catch up on things. For example, Patching Bike Tubes.

In other news, CTLP was concerned we wouldn't finish the keg of Cottrell from RAMHADAB in time for him to restock with Stone Brewery next weekend. So FlatTires, GUDG, and I went over to CTLPs last night for some driveway drinking and cheeseburgers. CTLPs neighbor came over with his tractor from 1949. This thing just purred like it was brand new. We stood around with our beverages and admired this beautiful machine til Mrs CTLP got mad and called us in for dinner.

This weekend I hope to get started on all the projects I put off since FARTAB(official start of summer ya know).
Anyhow. Time to ride in to work. Cya.
So were you able to finish off the keg???
Mighty close... Just sloshing a tiny bit of fluid- on it's last gasp. I thought about having a brew last night during the Pats/Sox, but decided to wait for after Wed. nights ride so that we can play keg-roulette. Boo-Yah!
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