Been busy these days. Sheesh.. I even saw Elvis last weekend. Heeheheh
Spotted him at the Pat's game.

More proof of global warming.. It was 80F... in New England... on the last weekend in September. You've got to be kidding me.

Here's an early sighting of the green machine. One Meeeeeeellon Btus fit in here.

Another busy weekend in store... Flat Tires and I are heading North for the 9th annual Big Kahuna ride. I hear it is tougher than our local RAMHADAB... I dunno. Our ride usually kicks my @sss so... Kinda worried about being able to make it. Hope so. I put some new tires on the Karate Monkey, 2.35x 29. It's like taking a tractor for a ride in the woods... You just roll over.. well, everything. Tonight I snuck out of work 1/2 hr early to squeeze in a 1hr ride with the pup Snoopy before dark. We barely made it by dark.
I was thinking how I can't wait to get back to singlespeed... All these gears are making me lazy.
Anyhow.. Have a good weekend, Hope you get Monday off too. I'll be fixing the yard.. even more. Yep. Starting to clear boulders from the front for raised beds. Might need to take down a couple of the trees. Might feel bad for a little while, but not so much when I realize one tree would be our heat next winter. They have tons o' btus hidden in there. Yup. You just need to squeeze every possible one out of there. -40.
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