Ok, so this is my first post on the blog, which I've been meaning to do all summer...so don't feel bad about the procrastination tactics, Mr. 40. Anyhow, I hope it's alright...BBW told me I was allowed, even though I'm a chick and all. I hope it's not too boring for you!
I guess the threat of frost last night and the evening's very cool temps. has got me thinking of cooler times to come...FINALLY. Along with those cooler days and nights though, means less fresh veggies from all of the wonderful local farms here in the Farmington Valley. Since I love to eat and I love veggies, I frequent them quite often.
There is one in particular which I visit weekly. It is an organic CSA (community supported agriculture) farm which has been in operation for many years. I paid a fixed amount at the start of the harvest season in June and a friend of mine and I split the weekly harvests. It is so much better than going to a grocery store and since I don't have time to have a garden of my own anymore...it rocks!!
Yeah, there may be some extra holes in some leaves here or there, but I would prefer that to chemically treated stuff any day. I have gotten way more than my money's worth and also pick up fresh daily eggs when I'm there, for dirt cheap. Each week, we are allowed to cut fresh flowers from the field and make our own bouquets...lots of cool sunflowers and stuff. I love supporting local growers, the food is super fresh and it suits my dietary needs. Good eats...I highly recommend it. It also encourages trying new recipes or just making it up as you go and trying new foods, which can be fun.
There are always many interesting animals running around and the folks at the farm are some of the most good-natured down to earth people ever...with a few weirdos mixed in for good measure. All in all a good experience, if you don't have a garden of your own.
Congrats on your first post. Good job.
Just to clarify, it's a fully organic farm. And you need to love vegetables, lots of different kinds of veggies that you've never even heard of before.
This is the same farm that CTLP's parents go to, btw.
Nice Work! Congrats on your first post!
I've been missing having a garden this year. Since we moved we haven't had time to setup beds, so Mrs 40 has been getting our veggies from a local Beermuda farm a couple of miles away. Hopefully this fall we'll have some time to get some raised beds set up in time to fill them with compost and the dead leaves.
Sorry about the longest posted comment... EVER...
Not only is Garden Girl in the hizzy- but her first post is quite apropos... Nice...
Good pick up, BBW- I was wondering if it was the same place! Good veggies indeed, the only thing I have noted is that you need to eat them- they don't quite have the same keeping power as the store bought variety... Do you find that they keep pretty well for you, GG? Kind of makes you wonder about all the preservatives/pesticides that are injected/sprayed onto/into our food supply... Scary.
There is a farm like that north of here, every year Mrs. CTLP and I debate buying a share there. They also have organic meats (for those who like to dabble in the carnivore side). It is a bit of a hike though, unfortunately- and I always wonder if I would be expelling more energy in traveling up there for my veggies than I would be saving from the store bought trucked cross country and pesticided all over type method...
Nottin' better than fresh off the farm produce.
Oh- and Garden Girl- I am still waiting for your next visit to Casa de CTLP so you can walk the Mrs. and I around the yard and tell us what the heck we have planted here and what we are supposed to do to maintain it properly. Expert advice wanted- perhaps it might tie into one of our next gatherings when BBW is heading this way already?
The warm winter followed by the cold snap really affected our fruit production here. The wild blueberries and strawberries were devoid of berries. Shut out. Normally you can harvest a ton from them. The cultivated blueberries came through- but the birds got a hold of all the fruit on them first... This year the apple trees went crazy. Must have been the warm days and cool nights or something. I have been enjoying walking Maggie b/c I can grab an apple off the tree on my way by to chomp while she does her sinful business. Rocking...
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