Monday, December 08, 2008

Gas Prices

I know everyone is all excited about gas prices going down. I like money in my pocket instead of the oil companies, just like everyone else. But it's not a good thing all the way around. With higher gas prices, not everyone was driving as much and looking at alternative energy, which can be good for the environment. Or bad if they just look for cheap energy which may not always be the cleanest. With gas prices going back down, people will soon forget and go back to their gas guzzling SUVs. But what about alternatives to this.....

Here's one that is simply financial. Put a tax on gas now when gas prices are low. This will raise prices making people drive less. Save that tax money so when gas prices rise, you can lower the tax to less than it is now and use the saved money to fill that financial void. This will even out the gas prices and reduce spikes.

The second is tax the gas now, since the price is low. Again, this will keep people from driving so much. Take that money and put it into research to get us off oil, create the 21st century Manhattan Project. Personally, I like this second idea better. In the long run, it would help out the country and the world.

I know I'm a financial genius, but I don't know how bad this would hurt the economy, so it may not be the best idea, but we need to start somewhere.


Forty Oz2freedom said...

I'm sure something like that could work... it's what they've been doing in denmark for years. Except they get even crazier with the taxes, and it all goes to NON-car uses like bike paths, public transport, etc. But, around here when you talk like that people call it socialism.... never mind that the gov't is now using more PUBLIC funds than EVER spent for ANY program to bail out PRIVATE banks. Thats not socialism, it would be for the greater good.... what is it? Rich old white guys giving everyone's money to a few other rich old white guys? F'ing bullshit.

Greased Up Deaf Guy said...

Where's the hot APC model chick?