Ah...Fall is finally here... though it seems late to me. I thought it used to be alot colder by halloween, but I could be wrong. The maples have gone through their thing, peaking about a week ago, then dropping this past week.

Along with colder temperatures and the foliage, one clear sign of Fall around here is the emergence of douche-baggy dumping. I'm not talking about a Bud bottle or dunkin donuts cup here or there... This is the time when the real Dickheads come out in force. The dump stickers expire in October, and they give you a week or two at the transfer station for a grace period before you have to buy a new $ticker. This year I guess quite a few folks couldn't, or wouldn't, afford the sticker. Around mid month there was a brand new slew of illegal dumping around here. The used tires were too many to count, and up at the pond where dozens of people walk their dog every day, someone decided to dump a week's worth of trash for 2 weeks. here are four bags of trashbags strewn about in the woods. Makes you want to find out who dumped it, and dump it on their front porch or the hood of their mercedes. But I didn't.

The potatoes are all done for the year. Here is BBW and snoopy digging up some gems from the ground. I got to say, its almost as much fun after a few beers as clamming. Almost. If you have some room (like, 4 square feet will do), plant a potato or two.. its fantastic.

RAMHADAB Vol 5 was last weekend. Unfortunately my camera battery went dead on friday night so I missed taking any good pix, tho I think CTLP did. This is the only pic I took, of the pre-weekend shopping trip. Good times, You get the point:

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