DON'T leave the keys to your tractor lying around where your drunken hick friends can find them. Seriously. Especially if you want to wake up expecting that $h!t will not be moved around in your yard... I can't believe that people get paid for excavating and the like when I have such a blast digging holes and filling others in for no apparent reason.
I suppose this post is really aimed at one person. Flat Tires, I'm looking in your direction...
Heh- Did anyone order the London Symphony Orchestra? Possibly while... Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction... Tee-hee...
Okay- this is an easy one- first person to name the episode and season wins. Bonus points for the best alternative quote from that one. Hard to judge, though- there are so many fantastic ones to choose from!
and the episode was...HomerPalooza?
Man.. when you said you were getting a new tractor I thought you meant a little lawn tractor... you know.. to cut grass. Holy Crap! That thing is *huge*!
Can you still cut the grass with that thing? I bet it takes like.. what..5 minutes with a gang mower to do the whole yard?
I can't wait for the fire pit digging party... going to be a whole lot easier with that monster!
Homerpalooza it is! Ding-ding! The quote bonus points are still up for grabs, though.
Heh... I this post would get a comment like that! So I purposely did not clarify... This was up at a friend's house. He has the full on tractor in the picture, and definitely should have known to hide the keys to the Deere, the ATV and the snowmobile- especially after a few hours of pounding down delicious barley-pops. My Deere is a little 25hp 'lawn tractor' (read glorified lawn mower), his is a 44hp diesel which probably cost more than my Elan.
This really would have made the fire pit digging party a full on joy. Especially when we find all the rocks that are undoubtedly in that area and will need to come up. Perhaps Flat Tires will get his wish and will be allowed to blow up those mortars in my yard after all- if the rocks prove to be too stubborn!
"Duffman says a lot of things...."
Bart: "Ah, making teenagers depressed is like shooting fish in a barrel."
For reference, I believe it was Season 7.
Man I wish I could nail the exact verbiage of the Smithers/Burns exchange regarding how no one would be willing to pay Ticketmaster's huge service charge and the reply about how it's a policy that ensures a healthy blend of the rich and ignorant. Instead you get this:
Bart: Dad, do you wear boxers or briefs? Homer (looking down): Nope.
HOMER: ...'cause dyin' would be a stone any messages for Jimi Hendrix?
DOCTOR: Yeah, pick up your puppy!
I could do this all day.
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