Yup... we brought Snoopy home yesterday. He's 8 weeks old so he's still pretty small. He walked some of the way home, but mostly Mrs. 40 carried him.
It must have been a long exciting day for him, cause he was pretty tired.. couldn't keep his eyes open once he laid down.

He's already taken about 15 walks outside so far.. trying to get him used to going to bathroom outside. Before lunch we went for a walk down the dirt road so he could meet the other neighbors on the road and check out the horses. When we got back he was wiped out... right now he's sleeping on my lap while i'm typing this.

In other news, i'm hoping to add more contributors and commenters to the blog. Invites should be going out today.. if you don't get one and want to contribute or comment drop me a line and I'll send you one.
Also, It's 'fertilizer' season around the Beermuda triangle. What that means is all the farmers are manuring their fields. It's pretty stinky here today.
Back to studying... -40
That is one mighty fine looking dog you have there. Maggie can't wait to meet her new friend.
Right now, Maggie will probably eat him. She'll think he's a squeaky toy when he yelps.
He is very cute. How's that cats taking to him?
Welcome aboard Mrs CTLP! I wonder when the other ladies are going to join in the fun... they all have invites!
Hrmm. Maggie eating him.. I dunno. We had him around some dogs at the beach this weekend and he did alright with them. The cats are afraid of him.. they run away. Which, of course makes him chase them and want to play. Jerry the RaceCar Driver swatted Snoopy last night... probably good to teach him a lesson as long as he doesn't get too hurt!
Thanks for the invite, 40!
I signed up because I felt that I had to take advantage of the opportunity to tell the online world how incredibly HOT my husband is. He is the greatest. Intelligent, witty, good lookin'... And, did he tell you that he won a gold medal???
By the way, BBW: Maggie is not a monster- she is a sweetheart. Not a man-eater at all!
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