It started as having a few people over for some corned beef, and happily grew and grew to a full blown party.
BBW, Sleepy aka the Blue Monk, GUDG, the CLTPs, and the FlatTires all headed over last night. Of course on friday we had snow, then inches of rain on top, and the driveway is all muddy underneath anyway, so I couldn't plow. I told everyone to dress appropriately since we were still planning on playing outside... at least for part of the night.
GUDG took this advice seriously...he wore his full-on field crew rainsuit.

CTLP came wearing his latest Gold Medal. He's special.
Of course some of the coolest toys are these light up LED discs.. check out gold medalist CTLP:

We all had ideas to how to light up the goal, we couldn't decide so we used all methods: glow sticks, led flashlights, and tiki torches(no need to worry about misquitos!)
It didn't take long to start a fire in the back... wet wood does burn when you use gasoline and the leaf blower. We still hadn't gotten rid of the xmas tree, so we did last night:

After a couple more car-b*mbs, it was time to make icy snow angels...

At some point we all started fading fast.. next thing i remember it was morning and time for the Sleepys famous omlets. Three Eggs, Three Meats, Three Cheeses... Yum!

After breakfast we farted around until noon, then invited ourselves over to the CTLPs ranch for more disc golf. They have a kick@ss yard for that.
Of course Maggie joined in. After a few holes she deserved a beer-slushy(beer on snow...).

She loves it!

This time of year you need to watch out for the water traps... here's BBW fishing his disc out of the koi-pond:

It was a great weekend... lots of fun! After that, we all headed out... CTLPs, GUDGs, and Sleepy headed north for a hockey game, Mrs 40 and I headed back to the neighbors to visit with Snoopy.
Here he is napping with his brothers.

Have a good week! Cya -40.