Crayons, Flat-Tires, Sleepy and I took a quick ride up Po-Dunk hill with the ladies(Ingrid and Maggie). It was pretty cold... so cold that our water would freeze, so we didn't bring any in the hydration packs, just beer.

Ingrid loves beer so much here she is attacking dad for a sip.

When we got back, Sleepy busted out his new toy, a portable disc golf basket. We set out around the new FlatTires loop with an ibucket, some beverages, and some discs. Crayons nailed some long putts, and is my hero.

After that it was time for ping pong, then a dip in the wood fired hot tub. Sorry pervs.. no pictures of that. You wouldn't want to see my winter white flabby belly anyway.
It was a great weekend... good times. Sorry if you missed it.
But! Stay tuned for Sleepy's YABADABADOO weekend in three weeks! Sleepy, care to let us in on your plans?
Who the hell placed the disc golf target half-crooked on top of the rock like that?! You might as well put it up on a tree branch while you're at it. Definitely looks like good, cold fun. The Deaf Guy will make the next big event - glad to see you had a great time!
A couple things I would like to comment on here, but first, I wish I was there. Looks like you had a good time. Hopefully I'll make the next event. Ok here we go.
1) The selection of beer is a little sketchy in the picture. I hope that was an isolted incident.
2) Is that FlatTire that Ingred is getting frisky with? Isn't that my job? Not to get frisky with FlatTire, but to get frisky with the canine persuation. I guess Maggie would be my girl and I'll have to stay loyal to her.
First...GUDG, that picture was after the fourth or fifth drive... everything was looking fine to us by then. Crooked, Level, In the Tree, All good.
BBW... the selection of beer was made on what was in the fridge when I left the house. It's not like there are any package stores between my house and FlatTires... Gotta go with what you got. The rest of the day we were drinking Guiness. Hmmmmmm Guiness.
It was a good time... Indeed.
Speaking of beer selection- I just participated in another bottling session down at Cottrell, this time packaging the Spring Newport Storm seasonal, Thunderhead Irish Red. I am generally not a big fan of Red as a variety- but they used a lot of grain and malted the hell out of this one. Got a little bite to it and I have to admit that I rather enjoyed it (and am continuing to enjoy the first case off the assembly line as you read...)
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