So Mrs Forty and I moved this year. We used to live in an area everything was close together, old, and sketchy. Going for a mtbike ride meant either heading down to the GhettoTrack or loading the car to go ride in Big River. While the GhettoTrack was cool to have a huge variety to ride in, from fast ghetto alleys, a skate-park, a short dirt track with jumps, and eventually some quiet singletrack about five miles out. Not a whole lot of each, but enough to scratch an itch. Unfortunately, no matter what, all options on the Ghettotrack where trash-and-broken bottle strewn. (After the 12 blown tubes in the first few weeks, I ended up putting Mr.Tuffys in the tires of all my bikes. When it came time to replace the tires on the beater, I plunked down the cash for some 2.35 Big Apples that have a kelvlar belt...they rock btw)
Anyhow.. one big factor for where we were looking to move to was how many key places i could ride on my bike. Work was a plus, woods a must, grocery store key, all other places not so much. I couldn't care less if there was a star-buck$, or any of that other crap. So far so good.. rideable woods are 1.5 miles away, a grocery/video/pizza/library are 3 miles out, work is 7 miles away (through the woods and on a dirt road no less), and the westernmost point of the Beermuda triangle around 10 mile. Watch out for Western Beermuda....been "-Adab"-ing it out there since high school.
Anyhow... out here instead of the homeless sleeping/peeing/sh*tting etc under the bridges and behind dumpsters, I see things like this with regularity:

The horses and their people are neighbors of The FlatTires and the Fortys.
I'm starting to get use to this....
I need to spend more time in Beermuda, the great vacation destination.
As a Beermuda Triangle resident, these pastoral scenes do not surprise me. After all, I am now an official townie. The vehicle that I am going to be mowing my lawn with is now worth more than my car. Granted- my car is an old POS, but that does not really matter. The new Deere has a quarter the HP of the dub. That is either really cool or really sad, depending on how you look at it...
Hrmm. From interacting with my neighbors, I don't think they'll consider any of us townies until at least three generations of our families are born, live, die, and get buried in the Triangle.
My bikes are worth more than my car... what does that make me?
You got a new Deere? Sweeeeet. Can't wait to meet her. What'd you do with the old one? You should make it into a tractor racing rig. Vrrooom Vrooom.
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