Maggie doesn't like to sit still when there is water to be played in...

Game time! A Stone Ruination 22oz'er to the first person who can tell me what is missing from the picture above. (Hint: it looks like it is also not present in the first picture either, and it is not CTLP)
hrmmm... could it be 40's usual single digit salute?
See- I knew I should have excluded you from answering. But that might have given it away to others anyhow...
I thought the answer was the reward....a Stone 22 oz. Ruination (or some other comparable tasty, hop pop).
All I know is you are providing the Ruination for the contest seeing as it is only found in your neck of the woods. And a couple bottles of Newport Storm '01 for my collection!
Mrs 40 took hours to figure it out.. fantastic contest... drove her crazy. she wanted to get me a 22oz for xmas... yup.
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