This weekend CTLP, Flat-tires and I headed to CT to check out Pachaug State Forest .Unlike RI, CT does not allow hunting on Sundays. In RI, It's not only hunting season, it's shotgun season ....on public lands. I'm not one of those anti-hunting nuts that goes on and on about it, but I don't like riding while hearing *boom* just a few hundred feet away. Kinda takes away from the peaceful experience of mtbiking. KWIM?
So, we got in our vehicles and headed west. After an excruciating journey across the vast Beach Pond, we were there. One whole state away.
I gotta say, I've never been in Patch Awwwg before, but I was pretty impressed. It's kinda like Arcadia, everything goes. Horses, twisty throttle dirtbikes, hunting during the week, mtbiking, and hiking. It didn't help that it was almost 50F out... we saw a ton of people.
CTLPs and Flat-Tires dog-ters, Maggie and Ingrid came with us. Maggie, a black lab mix, has been 'riding' with us for a while now.. she does really well out in the woods, and doesn't like being the lead dog. Ingrid, a great dane/bull mastiff likes it.. She'll get up there and run exactly 9.9feet in front of you. No more. No less. I gotta say, a little different riding in the woods with dogs. Its kinda like hiking with a kid... they gotta stop at every stream, every rabbit hole to give it a good *sniiiiiiifffff*! Well, it slows down the ride just a bit, but not as much as some of the annoyingly rocky strewn trails we picked. It's okay tho, It gave me time to check the map I brought with almost obsessive-ness.
By the way... the ground isn't *quite* frozen yet. I stepped in a mudhole. Went up to my ankle in icy cold, stinky, mud. It *rocked* riding like this for another couple hours. Nah... It sucked.
Yep.. Hopefully I'll get more posts up here soon. Sorry the blogs been.. um... empty. I've been having a busy time at work and been really distracted. The company I work for is in the midst of being bought out, and i'm doign everything I can to stay, well, employed. I'll get some posts up here soon enough. Yep.
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