The weather was beautiful... Water was pretty calm, and very warm at 72 degrees. What is really freaky is that the water temperature has risen to 79 in the past week and a half- it has gone up 5 degrees during the heat wave this past 7 days alone. That is absolutely crazy. Guess now we know why all the clams are dying...
Okay- before I get TOO off track- this is about the swim. Beautiful weather, check. I decided to have some fun with Naked Guy when he arrived. Seeing as he is 100% Portuguese and there was a lot of fuss over the Portuguese Man O' War being in the bay, I decided that I should make sure that everyone who swam could tell people that they saw or touched one of the creatures during the swim:

That's right- a real live PeteChewGeese ManOWar. Lethal...
Our coach approved, maybe I should fill out one of those art school pamphlet thingies:

I barely made it to the start on time thanks to an incredibly long safety briefing (I actually heard part of it this year for the first time!) followed by a few team pictures. Okay- here is a fun game- let's play 'where's CTLP'! I'll give you a hint, my race number was 1-6-9 *snicker* Okay- so you don't need a hint b/c I am the most lilly freaking white human being on the planet not afflicted with a pigment disorder:

Then we were off:

Once the group separated some, I was feeling pretty strong so I passed the group I was swimming with and struck off on my own. About half way across I guess I was pretty delusional as I was thinking I had a shot at a personal best time- even as out of shape as I am- because the conditions felt so good and my stroke was feeling fairly strong. Then I hit the channel about 2/3rds of the way across and that screwed me all up. It was choppy and there was a slight current- I just got off my game. Coming into Potter's cove I was on the southern end of a line of swimmers heading for the finish. I kicked it into as high a gear as I currently posess and managed to finish before all but two of them in 47 minutes and change. The photo of the finish will be on my next post, I think I reached the limit on file size!
*h/t to other swimmers from the team and Save the Bay for some of the photos on the previous, this and the next post*
Somebody please post some pictures of HOT WOMEN in bikinis? All these pictures of PeteChewGeese in his bananahammock are turning the blog all ghey.
I would like to clarify the record, if I may:
1) Naked Guy was wearing shorts in the pictures- his waistline was not visible, however...
2) NO WHERE in three swimming posts was there a smidgen of a visible hip-to-hip weenie grip, or a budgie smuggler, or even a mankini. Considering you were a competitive swimmer, 40, you should understand how utterly improbable an undertaking that is...
3) I am sure that TG can furnish a couple of women bikini pictures if you ask nicely!
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