The plan was simple enough- it is hot, so biking down to the lake and back would be a nice trip.
So- off we went. Then- it looked like a tornado was going to come down. Seriously.

I'm no expert- but I am pretty sure that this is what the 'Wizard of Oz' effects people were going for...
GUDG seemed undeterred, so we continued on using our sophisticated 'looks like the storm will stay off to the East' technology and all of our patented 'I don't think the heavy stuff is going to come down for a couple of hours' Caddyshack rhetoric to push on and get in the woods.

"Don't worry, I heard that being connected to metal bikes in the forest is the safest place to be in a thunderstorm"
Seeing as it looked like it was going to open up completely, the camera went away for the bike ride portion. Considering it was pretty dark, I am pretty out of shape, and we were moving pretty fast, I am kind of surprised that we did not biff a ton of times as we headed towards the lake. Once we got there, we were treated to a beautiful sunset. GUDG pointed out to me where the Pilgrims once landed at Beach Pond Rock, and claimed the 'Alps of RI' for Albania:

Our swim might have been more enjoyable had the area we jumped in not been so rocky, had the water not been so warm, and had there not been such a bold and unmistakeable smell of poop eminating from said body of water.
But did I mention the sun was pretty?

We just took 165 back as the sun was pretty much down and it was getting dark. As we came to my road, we were greeted with two police cruisers and Tanker 15. Man am I gonna take some for showing up late to a fire call (basically at my house) because I was out biking. And I did during the 5 fire calls today... Turns out a tree from my property was blown over onto the power lines, creating a real mess:

It is pretty much too dark to see- but the dots around the left-center are the power lines burning and all the way to the left is one of the two lines that snapped and draped to the ground. So instead of quaffing a couple of brews and enjoying pork products, we sat around waiting for National Grid to show up and taking side bets on whether or not the juice was off while the tree crew sliced the tree down... On the plus side- I got to use my generator for the first time last night and again today while the power was out!
No comments for our great adventure?!
I mean, this was a legendary story of two homo-erotic guys just trying to live life, when a giant guster with Zeus-like lightning tried to stop them. They faught the elements, took nature by the horns, and grueled through the trecherous conditions only to come back to a homefront tarnished by mother nature's last attempt at knocking down their dwindling hope. This is truly a story for the books.....
And, we get nothing. No comments. Poop on you.
Everyone else was in awe of our Greek-God like mythical-ness. Word. Homer-style.
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