So I was thinking today (as I walked through the grocery store which was built where FiddleSticks used to be, which was where a farm used to be...before the highway was built right through it) about that 'green' company Seven Generations.
You know the company...the one that sells fancy biodegradeable toilet paper, 'green' disposable diapers(LOL!), expensive cleaners and such... A clever marketing ploy taken from the story that there are supposedly native tribes in North America who maintain a pledge to preserve the world for the next Seven Generations.
I can not stop thinking about the massive clusterf*ck in the Gulf of Mexico spilling so much oil per day that no one seems to care to debate it any more, or even cover it in the news?
If our society were to make such a pledge right now it would be the opposite:
"We pledge to absolutely destroy, ruin, and poison the earth for the next Seven Generations."
So f*cking sad. Too bad it is true.
(Of course the hypocrisy is not wasted on me....I'm not helping driving my oil-powered car to the giant grocery store with the ridiculously huge oil-paved parking lot where the farm used to be to buy oil-grown food to bring back to my oil-heated home.)
Anyone want to propose an alternative?
Extra points if you don't mention a Prius.
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