I haven't been doing much. This weekend I cleaned up the house a bit... oh yeah. Fun stuff.
One good thing is my Christmas Cactus is coming back to life. Short history... This cactus was my grandmother's. She had four of them and they were probably 60+ years old when she moved out of Manchester... in 1983 or so. Each of my sisters got one from her and so did I. I've been trying to keep it alive, but in all the moving around, and being eaten by cats, and not watered regularly, it wasn't looking so good a few years ago. The family story goes that these are now 85-90 years old. So, when it is time to transplant it I get stressed out that it may not survive.
This time I used soil that had grown peas and beans this summer mixed with some real nice compost. The peas 'fix' nitrogen into the soil, and compost is compost. Here is how it looked in October when it was transplanted. Dull green and floppy:

Up next is a trip up to BaldBoyWonder's new house with the entire Forty clan(wife, baby, dog) next weekend. It will be Little Miss Forty's first overnight trip! Then, in a few weeks is YABADABADOO vol 2 (or 3?). Maybe we'll have snow?

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