Monday, June 01, 2009

FARTAB Vol. 6 (Part I)

I think that we can classify FARTAB Vol. 6 as a rousing success. No fatalities or arrests. We initiated Flat Tires into the world of FARTAB- this was his first and outside of some weirdo taking creepy shots of his feet and legs he seemed quite happy with the proceedings. Kaptain Krunch and Dogg came on their second float. 40 and BBW made their 6th and GUDG, Sleepy and myself were 4 or 5 respectively.

Big props to BBW for pulling the FARTAB version of the mullet. If a mullet is known as, 'business up front, party in back', then BBW's outfit for the trip should be referred to as, "business up top, party down below'. Wait. That doesn't sound good. I'll think about that and edit it later!

Anyway- there was a sweet addition to this FARTAB. Instead of having four to six different ibuckets blasting totally different tunes, 40 rigged up a nice 'n legal (honest... I swear...) FM transmitter so that we could all be listening to the same music and not have competing genres all day. Worked a treat. At least unti it was submarined. More on that later...

As we packed up I discovered the joys of not being a part of the car moving caravan. I was able to get my stuff set in an easy manner, get half way down on my first mixed beverage and have a rollicking game of parking lot Fappy Hun Ball. Sweeeet. GUDG was so excited to start that he ended up totally missing out on how to properly wear a beer-de-laro. Though I would say that moving forward this is a perfectly acceptable way. I will call it the 'Duff-man' variation.

After a quick group shot

GUDG and 40 showed us the direction to paddle and we were off.

Since this was the earliest FARTAB (calendar wise) on record, there was plenty of water which meant that getting under some bridges was a bit more of a chore than usual.

The challenge aroused Sleepy a little more than I thought a bridge would but hey- to each their own...

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