The prolonged period of rafting up and actually floating meant that there was an extended period of time for slaking thirst, listening to music and talking. The good part: it is fun! The bad part- it does tend to increase the chances of TMTD. This session lasted for a good portion of the afternoon so that by the time we got to the last 'portage' and were ready to load our gear, not even Darth Vader himself could slow our mood or stop us from running the last dam. Check out Darth in the first pic:
The definite downside was that a loss in coordination which was directly responsible for the major issue of the trip: Canoe sinking:
The first victim was an accidental torpedoing of Dogg and Kaptain Krunch's canoe by 40. Definitely unintentional- as there is no way that 40 would have soaked the transmitter on purpose. The FM transmitter's use was toast for the rest of the trip, but it is ready for a return performance... 40's bellow could be heard from miles away as he dragged the converted ibucket out of the river. Meanwhile, Dogg and KK were busying themselves with trying to save the food and other assorted items... Kudos to them for good scurrying. And if anyone finds a camp chair in Westerly- it belongs to Dogg.
From that point on, canoe dumping became fashionable. Sleepy and GUDG had to follow suit! I was pleased that I had pretty much all my stuff loaded onto my kayak, which certainly helped keep my stuff dry! The sun was starting to go down, and with another 40 oz mile to go (read: another hour or two of paddling) we started to get motivated to get to the camp site.
I went cruised through Burdickville alone to make tracks to claim our spot. No one was there and we were able to set up camp and enjoy a great camp meal prepared by BBW. That guy can make some camp chow... Thanks!
After Flat Tires got the fire raging, I looked up and noticed that it was barely 10:00 and everyone buy myself was in bed. I was not about to waste a good camp fire and crawled into Tent Suburbs a while later
After a nice leisurely breakfast and camp breakdown, the trip out was uneventful and very enjoyable. Nice bright sky (almost too sunny) and a calm pace made for a nice finish and a great wrap to FARTAB Vol. 6.
See y'all next year!
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