Tuesday, February 19, 2008


(pic added by 40oz by the end of the new trail)

40 and I finally got out biking last weekend- was a good ride as probably 70 bikers descended on Burlingame to get a winter ride in. Rode some newly cut trails (way too much wetlands- hopefully we can get a re-route...), rode some trails we knew. When I woke up it was 14 degrees, but by the time I got home it must have been over 35. 40oz should have some pictures somewhere, though I think the only ones he took were of us exercising the Spaceman set-up while changing a flat...
(pic added by 40oz)

In other news- the hockey season is getting towards playoffs- which means that the grass is... greenening... or something... Which means- Baseball, baby!

And after that- FARTAB! With how high the brook/river has been- I have been jonsing for a kayak trip. I know you all are going for a snowboard trip, but seeing as I have to miss it, I am looking forward.

Have a good time this w/e...

1 comment:

Forty Oz2freedom said...

Nice! Glad you posted about the ride this weekend... I found a couple pix in my phone that I added. One of the flat-tire pitstop. Note to self... Always check the tube hastily thrown in the camelback is has a presta... scraeder tubes are useless. Pit stop was almost a waste of time if it wasn't for the spaceman flask! Made it allll better.