Head over to YouTube and check it out. Warning.. All are definitely and completely NSFW.

First, the classic original Wii vs PS3 commercial promised this would be a totally different console.

Then came the homemade spoofs. Why girlfriends think the Wii is cool

I was emailed a link to this one today, completely couldn't believe it. If you are offended by topless models, baby oil, video games, or British Accents, do NOT click this link. You have been warned.
In other news... I've been running around like an idiot lately finishing projects before the holidays. Trying to fix the plow truck, filling in craters we made while digging out boulders from the front yard, splitting/stacking firewood, etc. This weekend will be yet another another busy one.
The holidays are coming. With them, come commerical insanity, massive overspending, and *ugg* malls. It's my goal to not set foot into a mall until after the holidays. Wish me luck.
BUT! The holidays mean PARTIES! Head on down to the southernmost tip of the BeerMuda triangle on Dec 22nd for the festivities. Bring your kid(s), dog(s), glow in the dark frisbees, headlamps, Disc Golf baskets, and drinking shoes as applicable. We have plently of spare beds, couches, comfy recliners, floors, and whatnot for anyone to stay over if you want/need to.
That's it! Cya, -40
First of all, my new roommate Danh (Yen)has both Wii and XBox 360 and a high def flat screen TV. Combined with my Bose 5.1, these are good times at 450 Notre Dame Ave. Guitar Hero is freakin' sweet and Wii golf, tennis, bowling, and boxing are a trip. You gotta see it. Secondly, as far as Dec. 22, I now have (2) disc catchers and I recently bought a Phish logo glow-in-the-dark frisbee. I am so ready.
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