I'm going to just stop beginning every post with "Gee I'm sorry I haven't been posting much.. Been really busy these days.." Well, I'm sure its getting old. Lately it seems its just one thing after another from sun up (Snoopy gets up before dawn *everyday* and wants to play) to sundown (just can't seem to get ahead on yard/house projects outside when it gets dark at 6pm.... and we get home from work at 5:30-5:45). I'll just sum up the last week.
Flat Tires and I went up north last w/e for the Annual "Big Kahuna" ride.
20-30 miles of very technical singletrack. I heard its way harder than RAMHADAB, but needed to check it out for myself. The freakishly warm October weather (80+ degrees and humid) didn't help me. I was hurting w/in the first 2 hours, and then we ran out of water for the next... hrmmm 6 hours? Ugg. No water at the rest stops, getting lost along the way, and no water in my camebak makes Forty something something. I tried to abort the ride once, but they reeled me back in. Anyhow. I'd try the ride again on a full suspension rig(trails not rigid 29er compatible) and assume we'll be self-supported. No trusting the water stops to actually, ahem, have water. THe next day I changed my bike back to singlespeed.
The forties, the ctlps, and my sister's family(and the CTLP's family) all went to the winery for their annual harvest festival.
Anyhow.. as things get more hectic around here there has been an interesting development on the home-project front.
The saying goes that "Many hands make light work"... Some local families have combined forces to rock house projects. Over here we placed the Green Machine in its resting place for the winter, at the FlatTires we fixed a backhoe, violently replanted a few giant shrubs with said backhoe, moved what felt like a ton or two of crushed stone, levelling the future Taj Mahal of all mantowns. At the CTLPS we stacked a couple cords of next years firewood in a little over an hour.
(btw...for some reason.. the blog isn't letting me post pictures. I may need to check if we're over our limit on Megs.)
Hopefully we can keep the program up for the next few weeks and get stuff ready for winter. Yeah...
In other news: It's getting pretty rare, but every once in a while at work I get to do something *really* cool. Last year I checked out some pretty amazing Power Gen technologies, I even got to spend a day with the godfather of geekery and mezmerizingly weird and cool inventions,
Dean Kamen, and today I met a founder of a solar company that will very shortly become very, very important. and with oil at a record price of 88 bucks a barrel, the atmosphere in the room filled with Renewable Geeks was just about giddy. Myself included.
Stay tuned for project updates.... Time for dinner! -40