Anyhow, after Fartab Mrs 40 and I took a bike trip out to Martha's Vineyard to celebrate our many-year anniversary. It was a good trip. We didn't get too crazy with the biking, but had some good meals, good wine, and did not a whole lot else. Just right. We stayed in Oak Bluffs, which (Thank Dog) is the only town where they sell alky-haul out there. Whew.. Thanks to Mrs 40 for picking the cool hotel. We were right next to this old campground/village thing. I'm not sure what they call it, but there's an outdoor church in the middle which used to be surrounded by a campground. As people kept coming back they started building these tiny cottages that filled their campsite. We wandered around in there for hours.

For dinner we had wine and fancy appetizers on the upper deck of the restaurant across the street. It was wicked good.

Then, back to work for the week.
Last weekend I headed up to BBW's parent's cottage at the lake. Snoopy came with me to hang out with GardenGirl and BBW. We went kayaking, had some beverages, rode bikes for cheeseburgers and fries.... etc. It was a great time. Except for when GardenGirl got hit by a car on the way to cheeseburgers. That sucked, and yes, she's fine. The next day we all went out int eh kayak, and Snoopy was *not* happy this time. I think it was too hot for him, too many distractions, and being a horrible doggy-dad, I let him plop into the lake when he was already unhappy with the boat. I felt awful. But, he has since recovered and is back to his usually snoopy-self. He really liked the screen porch on the back of the cottage. He could lay in the sun, without getting eaten by bugs, and look out on the back yard.

When I got back home I headed to work the next day. All the way there on my bike I kept thinking I should just go home and take the day off. I went in anyhow. I read one email, said "F This, I'm going home" , I put in for a vacation day and went kayaking.
I went down to my parents house, picked up the wooden kayak, and headed out to bradford. I took a trip upriver all the way to the tressle bridge/campsite and hung out for a while listening to the ibucket. I stopped at another possible campsite along the way and had lunch.

Last week was uneventful up until friday when I found out I passed by licensing exam that I studied for all winter. I'm wicked excited to have passed!
Anyhow.. I just got back from a mtbike ride with FlatTires, Ingrid, and Snoopy. He did great!
This week should be pretty quiet, and next week I'm on vacation. Same week off as BBW, GardenGirl, FlatTires, FlatTire's brother, Kaptin Krunch, Mrs Kaptin Krunch(my sister) and... I'm sure... about half of the country. Not sure what I'm goign to do yet.. but i'm sure it will involve bikes, kayaks, mtbikes, ibucket(s), fire, and beer. Yay!
Check out this link: New York Bike Snob
1 comment:
GardenGirl and I are off to Prince Edward Island tomorrow. We're driving up there....12 hours....yuck. But we're bringing our bikes and stuff. She got her bike fixed. I think the guy gave her a deal. $25 to true up the front tire, adjust the brakes and 2 tubes.
Anyways, I'll try and let you know how it goes when we get home.
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