Monday, April 23, 2007


BBW suggested I post this from the last ... you need to watch the video.. it's hilarious:
Bring Your Own Big Wheel Race

Whew... Alright.. I'm starting to get back to normal again. The rain finally broke and we had some amazingly good weather. This weekend I went to visit a friend(Sick0Jerk) up in Mass and to do some real work... digging, moving rocks, and building a retaining wall. It was good therapy to forget about the f'ing test and the horror show of last week. Check out the wall helping to prop up a 160+ year old fieldstone foundation.
Sunday when I got home I finally started cleaning the yard. I made a mountain of brush to burn this summer in the fire pit. Then I started teaching snoopy to run down the trails behind my bike. He went around the whole yard on the trails without stopping...(well, he stopped once to get a treat.). He's getting big:

Totally unrelated:

At work they had a raffle to win the official (old company) go-cart.

I won.
I'll post a picture of it tomorrow.

So... how about a big "Whoo Hoooo!"..... we need to play with the go cart this weekend after the Big River Cleanup. (Which is this weekend, saturday, 8:30am).


1 comment:

Bald Boy Wonder said...

Bring Your Own Bud Weiser