Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Will this finally bring an admission?

I often wonder what it takes for people who are constrained by ideology, stubbornness or that sweet, sweet remuneration to admit that they are wrong. On both sides of an issue, people constantly misconstrue the facts for their benefit. The understanding of this problem is what made Stephen Colbert's 'truthiness' such a hit.

So I read this and have to wonder if people like James Inhofe (who famously said that global warming is the greatest hoax perpetrated on the people- while chairing the Environment and Public Works Committee- and sitting on the Clean Air, Climate Change and Nuclear Safety sub-committee) and others who accept the largess of big energy and blindly fight for their corporate greed on their behalf while screwing the people they are supposed to represent and the planet we live on will change their tune? Will they apologize? Make concessions?

Personally, I am not going to hold my breath. If they are so tied to industry that they will take the word of the few scientists paid off by energy firms who rail against what every other scientific community in the world says is happening, then I don't expect anything to change now. Supposedly the issue of Global Warming is to play a large part in the SOU speech tonight- I just hope that it prompts our government to make REAL progress on the issue and not just pay lip service to it like last year's, 'addiction to oil' rhetoric.

Renewable energy for all!

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