Of course I'm kidding.... we let the little guy go down by the brook.
After a short break we switched over to disc golf. For those of you not in the know, disc golf is like real golf except it's played with frisbees. (whamo please don't sue). Someone picks a target, and everyone tries to hit it with the minimum throws. Of course, it's a requisite that it be played with beer and the ibucket cranking away.

Some of the 'holes' were brutal... check out GUDG pulling out his best stuff.

It was a good time, but all this effort was wearing us out.

Time for some beer-die.

The rest of the day turned into a blur. Beverages, disc golf, beer die, grilled meat, beverages, and of course, at some point the keg ran out.

That was it. The weekend wound down and we all went back to reality on Monday.
Sorry again it took so long to get these posted. I fixed my computer tonight so I'll be back on track with posting. I've got lots to post about.
Mrs. 40 and I moved out to the woods, I got a StokeMonkey for the BFB(it kicks ass!), and BBW and I rode the length of the Airline Trail this weekend. More on all that later!
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