The river was very high from all the rain we've been having... at least 2-3' higher than it was for last year's FARTAB. We glided over the rocks we usually scrape the boats on and got caught on trees we usually can pass under. Mrs. 40 and I worked on our coordination but gave up through the twisty sections... we just smashed into the trees then tried to pull ourselves though. Here are Mrs. 40 and BBW as we paddled through Arcadia:

The paddle to the Barberville dam was pretty smooth. The river south of the dam was running pretty quick. Here is BBW pushing off into the river:

The trip was over pretty quick. We had planned on having to paddle much longer but with the river so high we flew along. The trip from 165 in Exeter to 138 in Hope Valley took about two hours.
Today was the Fun Ride in Arcadia. I've already switched my bike over to singlespeed for the summer, but haven't had a chance to switch my cardio system over from "Sitting Around All Winter Drinking Beer" mode. I suckered Crayons Taste Like Purple into riding his SS even though he had a mostly functional and very sweet GT he could ride. BBW rode his vintage Iron Horse. He had the same bike in high school and still rides it like a champ! I had a pretty rough time on the SS...probably would have managed better if the loop didn't start going the wrong way... UP the 95 trail. Lots of prolonged climbing. Ick. I was out of the saddle for a good.... 40 minutes or so. My knees ache just thinking about it.
Check out my new saddle, a Brooks B17. It took about 200 miles of riding to get it comfortable.

Anyhow.. it was a pretty good weekend in terms of boats and bikes. The plan is to spend next weekend on a long kayak trip.
That's got to be the ugliest, old man saddle I've ever seen. It BETTER be comfortable because it is certainly not easy-on-the-eyes.
It's no liberator, but it is a sweet ham-holder.
My Huffy seat farted one of those seats out the other day. I practically have room for one more on mine....now THAT'S liberating!
You guys are just jealous that my bike seat looks like it came off a 100 year old bike. Yes, it's comfy.... and doesn't have a fruity name like "Terry Liberator" (which sounds like a sex toy gone wrong.......) :)
Homer: They turned the Navy into a floating joke. They ruined all our best names like Bruce, and Lance, and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had! Now they're just, uh...
John: Queer?
Homer: Yeah, and that's another thing! I resent you people using that word. That's our word for making fun of you! We need it!!
Sorry... 'fruity name' gave me a Simpsons flashback.
And the Liberator could be called anything and I would still use it. No sleepy pee-pee here!
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