Mr. 40 oz., I was wondering, does this picture make the blog more or less gi? Personally, I definitely think it makes the blog stunningly gi. Anyways, here I am in all my RAMHADAB readiness. Notice I have a slightly oversized posterior, but I'm sure with Sleepy's help, I can get myself in competitive shape. Anyways, I'll see you all soon in the wooded corridor. Lots of love, Gary Fisher.
Wow Gary! your disks are so shiny and tires so knobby. That's right.. I said "knobby".
Nice machine. Don't worry Gary, there should be plenty of time until Labor Day Weekend(RAMHADAB's tenative date) to get the posterior in shape.
I went riding with Bald Boy Wonder last weekend and realized I need to get in shape too.. I was dragging.
Nice picts!
Xizang says: All you need is a Liberator. Long live the Liberator!!!
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