Monday, April 24, 2006
Yeah, I felt pretty guilty caravanning a few cars together to pull garbage from the woods while the trails next to my house get beer-can strewn faster than I can pick them up. (I don't care if you drink beer in the woods, lots of people do, just take your f'ing trash with you... and if you drink from bottles don't smash them!)
Along the same lines, I feel like a hypocrite most times I drive anywhere I could have ridden my bike whenever the weather is reasonable (not snowing or raining and less than 5 miles and not having to carry alot of stuff).
Eh... trying though... I didn't get into this car-suburbia lifestyle overnight, not going to get out of it instantly either.
Hopefully my job will move closer to home, or *to* home someday like Crayon's is. (Yes I'm jealous :) ) Until then I'll drive the veggiecar when I can't ride a bike. Yeah it's still driving but better than burning more fossil fuels.
Along those lines the next project in the Pandapas skunkworks is a massive cargo hauling bike. Planning on being able to carry a least a couple big rubbermaid tubs, maybe a gas grill, some trail tools, lumber, maybe a portable sound system. Tenatively it will be know as the BFB... Big F*cking Bike until someone can come up a better acronym. After the bike is done i'll finish the tank on veggie car so I can stop using biodiesel and just use vegoil straight.
One step at a time I guess. Every gallon of oil I don't burn is a dollar less in some rich a-hole's pocket and three more in mine.
4-25-06 Addendum
Today W announced he is going to stop deposits into the strategic petroleum reserve, and loosen refinery standards to help ease the price of gasoline.
Am I the only one who thinks "WTF?" when I read these things?
The strategic petroleum reserve is just that... STRATEGIC. Though I guess we don't need that anymore now that they we just picked up another strategic petroleum reserve in the mideast (Iraq).
Easing gasoline standards... arg. Bad enough he worked his magic on the Clean Air Act.
Give me a break. Get your asses out of your cars, onto a bike, and quit b*tching about $3 a gallon.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Big River Cleanup

We filled the truck a few times with tires and scrap metal, making dumpster run after dumpster run. While we were there, Juan, the RI Water Resources Board Head Honcho came by to check out what we were doing. He seemed pumped by our enthusiasm and how much we were accomplishing. We only left the mobile home carcass, the two abandoned cars, and the old boat. Everything else got pulled out of there.
After a long day here is CTLP resting on top of Mount Rotten Tires:

It started raining right as we were heading up to the Big River Inn for some cheeseburgers.
Hmmm Cheeseburgers....
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I freaking hate E$$on/Mobil.
They have yet to pay for the Valdez disaster, which severley affected the environment and the livelhood of Alaskan fishermen. In fact- they recently went to court pleading to have the restitution amount reduced to the paltry sum they have already paid. I bet they have paid more in legal fees than they have spent cleaning up their sludge...
They lie to Congress about their involvement in the energy task force (hmmm... wonder why they were not under oath...). Yet another maddening example of the lack of influence voters have on our own government and the incredible power wielded by the corporate/military complex. Next on the agenda- Chimpy McFlightsuit is going to auction off our national heritage in the form of the largest land auction... directly to the mining/timber concerns at bargain prices! Whoo-hoo!
They shamelessly gouge the US consumers. Though really- expensive gas, as stupid as it sounds- I am not all that upset about. Reaching the price point Europeans pay is about the only way meaningful conservation will occur. Of course that means billions more dollars going to people who don't need it or are irresponsible with it; and rising gas costs will probably mean the implosion of our own auto manufacturing concerns who can't seem to see past the end of their nose on the gas issue. I would love to buy an American car someday but if MPG were accurately measured no US car producer would pass our own lax CAFE standards...
And these oil companies are protected the whole time because they know who their sugar daddy is and never forget to give him/her frequent campaign money rubdowns. The entry level to buy influence is too high for my salary...
Now This:
That's right. Exxon/Mobil made 36 billion fleecing all of us and spent only 10 million on exploring alternative energy. That is one fortieth the BONUS they gave that sack of crap Lee Raymond. Seriously- a $400 million dollar BONUS on top of the 300 million plus he made last year...
Sorry- I'll try and keep this rant in line with the blog's purpose by saying that it is one more reason to ditch the car and ride the bike. Hell, I have not driven my car to work in years...
Don't forget- Earth Day cleanup Saturday. Be there or be... asleep? Doing something else? Okay- I am bad at this whole peer pressure thing.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Jamestown Bridge
I should have mentioned this earlier but today is the last day for the Old Jamestown Bridge....yes, the same one that used to freak you out with the steel grated decks.
Sometime between 10am and 2pm today (like the cable guy) RIDOT will be using explosives to drop the center span into the bay. They're planning to fish the rubble out of the bay, recycle the steel, and use the concrete to make some artificial reefs offshore.
Watch it here if you can't make it down to the bridge to see it yourself.
Also, Don't forget this Saturday is the Big River Cleanup, 8:30am at the Hopkins Hill Park n Ride (Exit 6A off 95).
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Gary Fisher's Burning Question

Mr. 40 oz., I was wondering, does this picture make the blog more or less gi? Personally, I definitely think it makes the blog stunningly gi. Anyways, here I am in all my RAMHADAB readiness. Notice I have a slightly oversized posterior, but I'm sure with Sleepy's help, I can get myself in competitive shape. Anyways, I'll see you all soon in the wooded corridor. Lots of love, Gary Fisher.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I want thaaat one.
its been another crazy week around Pandapas-land. A friend and co-worker Kaiyak quit the company, and we had a going away party for him Thursday night at the local Owl House. Being the good friends we are, we made sure the employees knew it was his "Birthday" and gave him the attention he deserved.

Friday night he came over to work on his bike in the Pandapas shop. He busted the seat tube on his old Raliegh and had bought another frame. We transferred the parts over to the new bike, and consumed some beverages.
Bald Boy Wonder came down this weekend for the Arcadia Trail work that got postponed to May. Instead we did more bike work. Went to Caster "Big" sale Saturday morning then rebuilt the headset on his mtbike, and swapped out the fancy aerobar brakes and shifters to equally fancy(to me) shimano 105 STI brakes/shifters

After we finished up all the regular bike work we kicked off a Top Secret project in the Pandapas Skunkworks. I'm hoping to get it working in the next couple weeks, in the meantime here is a spy photo of BBW contimplating our next move. Here's a hint: this vehicle will have massive cargo capacity. And weigh a ton.

Mrs 40 had planned to go out with some of her co-workers to a bar and dragged BBW and I with her. It worked out well for Bald Boy Wonder... a little while after we got there a couple cuties walked over to our group, one of them pointed to him and said (more of less) "I want thaaaat one". Good for him. Ended up talking to her all night.
Today it finally stopped raining so BBW and I went riding. Nothing fancy, just down to the river, out to the lake, then kept riding on the Trestle trail.

The date for the 3rd Annual FARTAB is set: June 16th and 17th.
FARTAB (Float Along the River Tipping Alot of Beers) is always a great time, we're expecting a much bigger turnout this year. Take friday the 16th off, and start looking for a kayak or a canoe to use for the weekend. The routine is mountain biking Thursday night, then out to the Owl House for wings and beer, then a special breakfast, then on the river by noon Friday. This year we're planning a less strenuous route, and going to the Multisport Day at Lincoln Woods on Sunday June 18th.
I'll post some pictures from last year when I get a chance to scan them in.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Look honey, it's a blogger!
Big River Cleanup April 22nd
April 22nd, 8:30am(or anytime after) at the Hopkins Hill Park and Ride in Coventry, Exit 6A off 95.
To give you some background: Big River is south of 95 and covers approximately 8600 acres containing many miles of fireroads, single track, a reservoir, ponds, streams, and unfortunately has seen many years of abuse(illegal dumping, burned out cars, tires, bottles, water heaters, and at last count seven abandoned boats).
It is managed by the the RI Water Resources Board and the West Greenwich Conservation Commission. Technically, mountain biking isn't (yet) legal on the singletrack, only on the dirt roads. The RI chapter of the New England Mountain Bikers Association (NEMBA) has been working closely with the Water Resources Board to gain official access to ride on the singletrack and help maintain the trails.
Over the last couple years we had about 30 people sign up as mountain bikers, and that has made a huge difference in how we are perceived as a positive user group of this and other recreation areas in RI.
The work isn't hard, gloves and trashbags are provided. Free Tshirts to anyone who signs up as a mountain biker, and food will be provided free after the cleanup at the Big River Inn on Rt 3.
Please take the morning to help out, bring your sig other, friends, family, anybody.. and PLEASE sign up as a MOUNTAIN BIKER. It is not that bad a way to spend a morning, and it can be fun. (Check out last year's video on the webpage below)
Information on the cleanup is here
To read more about Big River go here
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
SS Redux
I was kind of excited to get to play with taking apart my new *to me* SS and changing the drive train. But- it is more fun to go through it with a knowledgeable party- especially when dinner is being served...
So, after a nice dinner of IPC, rice and beer prepared by 40oz and 40oz's wife, we got to work in 40's garage:

Things were going well, parts were flying, beverages were emptying, music was playing... Then the new chain decided not to cooperate for a bit... But- after deciding that I can never get a flat rear tire or change the rear tire itself ever again considering what a pain in the rump it is to get everything adjusted with the disk brakes: all was fixed.

Now the Bianchi steel SS no-suspension beast is ready for the trails! Well- as soon as I put a couple of 'Andre the Giant has a Posse' stickers on it, that is...
Hottest stuff: EVER
Fantastic product:
Low carbs. Oh- and did I mention: Manly? *jkg of course*
Yeah- so on the way home from Canada on previous instances I had come across 'damn good beef jerky' before.
And yeah- it was good. Damn good? Perhaps depending on the quality of jerky one has tasted before- but certainly worthy of throwing down the gullet, and certainly a good call for gas station treats.
Well- on the way home from Snoe.down, GUDG and I decided to pull the veritable death march o' jerky. We had two types of Pemican. Jack Daniels. Local variety. Etc. Basically- there was a multitude of flavors. Also included were three kinds of Damn Good, including this one:
Now- to preface the scene: I like hot stuff. Really. I measure how good certain foods are by a visible scale. An example of a good dish might be: 'Copious amounts of nose sweat, slight forehead sweat, overall nice flavor'.
So when I see a label advertising 'careful' and 'you might die', I tend to take it with a grain of salt. Dave's Insanity Sauce is really good stuff on crackers for me... That being said- I enjoy hot things for the taste- not for killing myself. So when sugar in some form was five of the first eight ingredients in this product, I was not expecting much.
Was I wrong.
If you come across this product, heed the warning. Man- is it good... After the piece in the photo, I was just thankful I was not driving as I swear this stuff was jerky-peyote. So hot that it made me see things. Wow...
And the scary thing was- GUDG and I tried a piece each, complained about how incredibly hot it was, and once we cooled off could not help but to go another round! If you must purchase- consider the smaller bag, as this product is TOO good for mortal consumption.
Mmmmm... Kind of sounds good right about now...