Or is there a blizzard every year now?
I would think that I would remember if blizzards were just as frequent when I was growing up- as they normally resulted school closings and cool stuff like that. We certainly had snow storms that dumped a foot or more of snow, and seemed to deliver white-out like conditions, but there was not this non-stop regurgitation of the same warnings and forcasts. I mean- national and RI weather teams and news orgs are treating what appears to me to be a standard nor-easter as they do in So-Cal when there is a 1/10" of rain. Seriously- they do that in So-Cal. I have no idea what a tenth of an inch of rain looks like... The only blizzard I remember (not that I was old enough to remember- but my parents took pictures of baby-crayons-taste-like-purple in the Maggie from the Simpsons type snow suit propped up in a snow bank so I know that it happened) was the blizzard of '78.
However, since the year 2000 I think four years now we have had what was termed a 'blizzard'. Now I am not saying that the snow storm is not a good sized one (in fact, as I am typing this diatribe a gust of wind just kicked up and obliterated the sight of anything past the branches 5' from my window), and it technically merits the classification of snow and wind equaling low visibility. While the storm did cause me to have to change my plans to go to Gotham today, it is certainly not so epic that it warrants non-stop 'blizzard '06!' coverage on the tv. Perhaps we are really having blizzards every year. Or maybe the MSM is just so in tune with what keeps people munching processed snacks and sitting in front of the boob tube that they embellish s**t. Hmmm, can you figure out which one I think is closer to the truth?
To that end, I decided that flipping off the idiot box and enjoying the only real snow we have received all year was a must. The snow is blowing a lot so a definitive measurement is tough, but it looks to be about 10" give or take right now.
After posting this, perhaps I will go back out and try 'blizzard biking'. My only hesitation is riding on the road to get into the forest. I have never seen a plow with a 'share the road with a cyclist' bumper sticker...
Ah, well. Some pictures from the early part of the storm are below: I thought that we had a black dog?
I know it is dark, but it is a human snow angel on the left and a dog snow angel on the right
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