With my history, who would give me a dog? Why would my girlfriend want to get a dog with me? She's seen the shirt for RAMHADAB 4, she knows the "No! Ingrid, don't eat that!" incident. But she really wanted a dog. So after a couple months of looking on rescue groups, we found one. She's a 4-1/2 year old weinaraner named Kasey. She's small for the breed, about 55 pounds, but a perfect size for us. She's such a sweet girl. She started life being abused, but was rescued by a family who she lived with for four years. They could no longer have her in their home, so we got her. I took her for a hike this past weekend, off leash. She didn't run away, she kept making sure she was with us. She had a blast. The first couple days with the four cats was a little hairy and anxiety filled, but the are getting along much better now.

One problem though. Don't leave your car door open. She will get in and not want to get out. She'll be very stubborn that way. We'll have to work on that with her in training. Some training for her, some for me.